Saturday, 2 August 2008

Monday, 30 June 2008

Water fall

Went camping on saturday to Bellingham , Northumberland took the kids on a short walk to Hareshaw Lynn there was a few water falls on the way resist i could not so out came the cammara.

Water fall Hareshaw linn

Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Alnwick castle.

Alnwick castle.

Warkworth castle

The deer at raby castle

Raby Castle

This is Raby castle in durham it has its own herd of deer but of corse when i wanted to take this picture they were over to the right so i posted a picture of the deer as well.

Monday, 19 May 2008


Took a couple of pictures of this shi tuiz terrior on Blyth beach today she is 11 weeks old ,its not easy taking pictures of dogs they keep moving!!!,my kids thought roxie was real cute.


Sunday, 11 May 2008

Dandylion seeds

Got a new camera its supposed to be for farthers day ,couldnt wait that long to use it so i took the kids to the risingsun country park and tested it on some flower close ups im very pleased with the results.

Blue bells

White bells

Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Haggerston castle front and back

Hi Dave tried my best mate hope you like them, this is all whats left of the castle the rest of it was lost in two fires ,i ve been told this was a water tower.

Haggerston Castle

Berwick castle and ruins

Hi Dave im told this is the site of one of two castles in berwick the other is now the rail way station built with the stone of the castle, i have posted two close ups below.

Berwick Castle and ruins

Berwick castle

Alnwick castle

Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Bank barn

Was in Orton on tuesday seen this great looking barn locals reckon its a bank barn shepards would live up stairs and keep straw and feed down stairs.

St .Bees

Monday i was at st bees west cumbria this pic is st bees beach in the distance i belive is the isle of man

Sunday, 16 March 2008

Nice Reflections

This picture was took looking towards Seaton sluice if you look closly you will be able to see St .Marys in the distance

Took the kids to Blyth beach on sunday for a walk the weather was cold and windy but nice and bright this is a picture of the wind mills and piers

Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Monday and tuesday i was working in west cumbria heres a few pics i took

Monday and tuesday i was at west cumbria ,very foggy in the mornings and frosty and a rather nice sun set later on so ive posted some of the pics i took.

Saturday, 9 February 2008

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Wallsend sunset

Hi i love sun sets so seeing as this is a new blog i thought i would start with a few bonny coloured skys